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Put together your own healthy tropical fruit platter with the example below! Super fun to hand out on your birthday or any other occasion. Did you know that more and more people are adopting a healthier lifestyle? Perhaps you can convince more people or satisfy a lot of people by putting together this simple fruit platter. Add your own twist to the plate and serve yours.

Put together your own exotic fruit platter

We are happy to share our favorite fresh tropical fruit platter with you. The different types of exotic fruits complement each other nicely! We prefer a fairly normal size plate, but of course you can also use fewer ingredients and compose a small fruit platter.


  • 2 dragon fruits of your choice. Our preference goes for the red dragon fruit in this case.
  • 4 passion fruits
  • ¼ medium sizes watermelon, unpeeled
  • Star fruit
  • Pineapple
  • Soursop

TIP: Pick a colour scheme for your tropical fruit platter!

Step for step instructions!

  1. Cutting. Firstly, remove the skins as needed. Our preference is to cut the exotic fruits into bars or square cubes as much as possible. This is so that it is easy for the people to grab the fruit and eat it.
  2. Place the exotic fruits on a round (wooden) plate if possible. This creates a nice layout!
  3. Serve your tropical fruit plate with a sauce! (Coconut) yogurt with it is highly recommended!

Can I just put everything together without losing the quality?

The fear of many people. The answer to this is no. Of course you can put everything together just fine for a short period of time, but so much so that if you start preparing the plate earlier, the following fruits should not be stored together. These fruits release a lot of ethylene, which means that some fruits can rot faster. You can therefore serve the following fruits together, but do not store them together for too long! That would be a waste for your own exotic fruit platter.

  • Passion fruit
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Banana
  • Apples & Pears
  • Peaches

Pineapples however, can be stored with the fruits above as they are barely sensitive to ethylene. Very useful right?

Fresh exotic fruit for sale

We own many different fresh types of extoic fruits that you can use to make your own tropical fruit platter a success. The fruits are fresh from Surinam where the history is fully known. Super nice right?

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